MH Fire Department enacts S.A.F.E. program

by Vivian Collings Smoke Alarms for Everyone. That’s Minden Hills Fire Department’s new goal; to ensure households in the township are equipped with working detectors and educated about the importance of them. Thanks to Minden…

70 years of Minden memories

By Emily Stonehouse When you walk into a home that’s filled with memories, warmth, and love, you just know. You can feel it.  Pictures of family members scattering the walls, a collection of baseball caps…

Two years of lessons for The Wolf Moon

By Emily Stonehouse With highs and lows, ups and downs, it’s been nearly two years of learning experiences for Reed Sacharoff, the owner of the Wolf Moon Shop in Minden.  Sacharoff kicked off his unique…

Legion president remembers life at sea

By Sue Tiffin While some people were crossing the border from America to Canada to flee participation in the Vietnam war, Jim Ross was prepared to head straight into it. “That concern wasn’t there,” said…