/100 Women Who Care Haliburton County seeking new members
100 Women Who Care Haliburton County donated $6,200 to the Abbey Retreat Centre on March 3. From left are Pat Bradley, Jude FIsher and Sandra Slauenwhite of 100 WWC, Barb Smith-Morrison, Jeanne Anton and Thea Patterson of the retreat centre, and Tina Palmer of 100 WWC. /CHAD INGRAM Staff

100 Women Who Care Haliburton County seeking new members

By Chad Ingram

Charitable organization 100 Women Who Care Haliburton County is looking for more women who care. 

The group, which made a $6,200 donation to the Abbey Retreat Centre last week, is seeking new members.

Formed in 2016, the group meets three times a year. Each member brings a $100 cheque, and during a one-hour meeting, members choose a local charity that will be the recipient of the money gathered at that meeting. Women may join individually, or form a team of two. Charities are nominated, then the names of three are drawn for each meeting. Representatives of the chosen charities give presentations, members vote, and the charity that receives the most votes, receives the funds. 

A Feb. 24 meeting – held via teleconferencing app Zoom amid the continuing COVID-19 pandemic – resulted in $6,200 being donated to the Abbey Retreat Centre, which, located at Abbey Gardens in West Guilford, provides respite for those battling cancer. The cheque was awarded to members of the retreat centre on March 3. 

In pre-pandemic times, meetings were held at Minden’s Dominion Hotel. The COVID-19 crisis has presented some challenges for 100 Women Who Care. 

“It has been a real struggle to keep our group going through this pandemic,” Sandra Slauenwhite-Box told the Times. “We are very passionate about making a difference in Haliburton County and we would love to try to recruit more members.” 

For more information on 100 Women Who Care Haliburton County, visit https://100wwchaliburton.wixsite.com/mysite.

For more information on the Abbey Retreat Centre, visit https://abbeyretreatcentre.ca.