/Boat launches remain open in AH

Boat launches remain open in AH

By Chad Ingram

Following a confusing sequence ofevents the Township of Algonquin Highlands has clarified that itsboat launches remain open to the public.

An April 17 press release issued by thetownship indicated that amid the COVID-19 crisis boat launches wereclosed to all but necessary transport to year-round residences. Thisinformation was subsequently published in the April 22 edition of the Minden Times .

Temporary signage with the same messagewas also posted at some boat launches but removed a day later.

“Last week temporary signage withincorrect language was mistakenly put up at some AH boat launches andalthough those signs were removed within 24 hours that erroneousmessage was widely shared” reads an April 23 press release fromthe township.

“This is a challenging time foreveryone including municipalities” reads the release which goeson to apologize for the confusion. “Of the many operational issuesfacing the township the matters of boat launches and water accessproperties have proven the most confusing – and frustrating.Substantial time has been spent seeking clarity from the province andfrom the OPP.”

Residents using boat launches are askedto use COVID-19 safety protocols.

“New signs are coming that willremind users of appropriate COVID-19 related protocols remain inplace” the release reads.
The township will continue tomonitor the situation.