By Angelica Ingram
Published March 16 2017
A potential buyer has his eye on purchasing Club 35 however would like to see it rezoned first.
The building located on the highway is owned by the municipality of Algonquin Highlands and was formerly used as a community facility.
Council recently decided to put it up for sale.
At their March 9 meeting councillors reviewed a zoning amendment application for the property requesting the zoning be changed from Community Facility (CF) to Highway Commercial.
The prospective buyer would like to turn the building into a retail commercial establishment (antique shop) a restaurant and an accessory dwelling unit according to Algonquin Highlands planner Sean O’Callaghan’s staff report.
“The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject lands to Highway Commercial (C1) with an exception limiting the permitted uses to those noted above. The minimum lot area of the Highway Commercial Zone is O.3ha (0.74ac) where the existing parcel is 0.227ha (O.56ac). No new lots are being created as a result of this proposal however the reduced lot area will also need to be recognized as part of the zoning by-law amendment” wrote O’Callaghan in his report.
The building was built in 1991 and measures approximately 1900 square feet.
According to O'Callaghan the Ministry of Transportation wanted more time to provide the municipality with their comments before approving the amendment.
"Council decided to defer the application to provide staff the opportunity to meet with MTO staff to discuss any concerns they may have related to the proposed zoning by-law amendment" he said in an email.