The Dorset Rec Centre sustained damage to flooring and drywall during flooding on Feb. 20.
“The damage is not as bad as it could have been based on the fact we were able to catch it very quickly” parks rec and trails manager Chris Card told councillors during an April 19 meeting. “Right after it happened staff were there. Within the same day we were able to have the water removed.”
A report from Card indicates the centre was flooded between Feb. 20 and 21 due to heavy rains and melted snow. The kitchen a meeting room the hall multipurpose room electrical room and storage closets were all affected covered with approximately two to four inches of water. Service Master was called in to remove the water damaged drywall and flooring. The cost for that work was approximately $7100 plus taxes.
“Irreparable damage was suffered on flooring and drywall throughout the flooded area” the report reads. No damage occurred to the recently upgraded exercise room or showers.”
A quotation from Service Master for repair of the damaged areas amounts to approximately $28000 plus taxes.
“Our deductible is $50000 for flood damage to the building so it’s ours to deal with” Card told councillors.
Of the quoted repair costs approximately $20000 was for flooring. The township will use its staff to do the drywall trim and painting work and put out a tender for the flooring work.
A report prepared at the request of the insurer determined that water entered the building through an entranceway on the side of the property that faces Highway 35.
“Part of the recommendations are to change the grading around that side of the building” Card said. “We’ve already put in a ditch temporarily right now.”
Card said more work would be done on the property once the ground thawed.
Money that had been budgeted for new windows at the rec centre will be redirected to pay for the flood damage. The affected areas of the building remain closed to the public.