/Festival of banners accepting submissions

Festival of banners accepting submissions

The Minden Festival of Banners isaccepting submissions for this year's display until the end of themonth.

The festival displays hand-paintedbanners affixed to poles along Minden's main drag and up BobcaygeonRoad during the spring and summer.

With the country celebrating itssesquicentennial anniversary in 2017 the theme this year is Canada150.

The event is open to those in Grade 3or older. Student banners – those painted by Grade 3 to 8 students– are returned to their painters at the end of the season. Theother banners are auctioned off and proceeds are used to purchasematerials for the following year's festival.

Entry forms for both students andadults can be found on the Minden Hills website under cultural centreevents at http://mindenhills.ca/cultural-centre/cultural-centre-events/

Artists are asked to sketch theirdesign on the entry form. The deadline is March 31. Artists whosesubmissions are chosen will paint their banners at the cultural centreduring April and May.

For more information about the MindenFestival of Banners contact Sue Tiffin at festivalofbanners@outlook.com