/Gearing up for the Highland Yard  
Photo by Huw Morgan. Special to the Times.

Gearing up for the Highland Yard  

By Chad Ingram

Published June 15 2017

The following are a series of brief reports of items discussed during a June 8 Minden Hills committee-of-the-whole meeting.

The 46th annual Highland Yard road race will be take place in Minden on the morning of Sunday Aug. 6.
For the past few years the race has been a fundraiser for local affordable housing organization Places for People.
“You can see here what a tradition it is for people doing this race” said organizer Jack Russel in a presentation to council.
Forty-five per cent of participants last year had done the event three to five times and 14 per cent had done it more than 15 times. One participant had run the race for 39 years.
“We have two participants who are in their 80s . . . and they raise a lot of money for us” Russel said.
The day includes two- five- and 10-kilometre races.
Places for People operates properties in Haliburton Carnarvon and Minden and is working on a project in Highlands East. A second Minden location will also open in a building on property owned by Haliburton Highlands Health Services.
At present the Places for People properties house seven adults and 19 children. The organization which renovated its first property in 2009 has graduated seven families five of them into home ownership.

Peck Street project delayed

The reconstruction of Peck Street which connects Anson Street and Bobcaygeon Road will be delayed until the fall.
The project which will cost approximately $370000 was scheduled to begin May 24 and be completed by July 1.
However weeks of flooding in Minden meant the project was unable to get underway on schedule.
Minden Hills township will now wait until the summer rush is over and begin the project in September.

NFTC location approved

The North Frontenac Telephone Company which will construct a high-speed fibre optic cable network in Minden will construct a building to house its equipment on municipal property at the intersection of Prince and Teasdale streets.
The site is located close to the fibre feed owned by Haliburton County and is a good central location for feeding fibre into Minden.
“It’s the exactly right spot for it to be” said Minden Hills Reeve Brent Devolin.
The company will construct a 4.8-square metre building at the site that building similar in size and appearance to a building the company constructed near the Dysart et al township offices in Haliburton village.
A lease agreement between the company and the township is expected to be approved at a June 20 council meeting.
Editor’s note: North Frontenac Telephone Company is 50 per cent owned by London Publishing Corporation which shares the same ownership as White Pine Media which in turn owns the Minden Times and Haliburton Echo.