By Jenn Watt
Published May 25 2017
Finance committee chairman David Gray gave a report to the boardat its May 25 meeting in which he explained the “clean bill ofhealth” the corporation had been given by the auditor.
“We’ve managed to move from a deficit last year of $420000 orso to a small surplus of $17004” Gray told the board.
Sick time lack of government funding and increasing hydro rateshas made balancing the budget a challenge.
Gray thanked CEO Carolyn Plummer and chief financial officer KathyNewton for their work on getting the budget back into surplusterritory.
Board chairman Dave Bonham gave the finance committee a heartythanks for their work.
“On behalf of the board this is an incredible accomplishmentthat you’ve managed to achieve” he said. “To be honest withyou I wouldn’t have predicted that we would be able to do it thistime last year but in fact it’s been done and it’s an enormousachievement. Well done.”