Additional funding is available for small businesses in Haliburton County affected by the coronavirus pandemic.
On May 15 Haliburton County Development Corporation released informationabout the Regional Relief and Recovery Fund which assists “main streetbusinesses” in the county through loans. The funding is provided through the Government of Canada part of more than $962 million availablenationally for those unable to access other relief measures and toprovide more access to capital for businesses in rural areas.
“Soleproprietors social enterprises and small- and medium-sized businesseshave been particularly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic here inHaliburton County” said Patti Tallman executive director of HCDC.“This investment in the Regional Relief and Recovery Fund willcapitalize on our unique position and expertise to help support ourrural businesses and entrepreneurs during these challenging times. Aspart of the Haliburton Highlands we look forward to delivering thiscritical program to our local community and working in conjunction withour many strategic partners to provide the necessary services to assistbusinesses in their recovery efforts.”
Access to loans through thefund was made available in southern Ontario through FedDev Ontario andCommunity Futures Corporations of which HCDC is one.
Interest-freeloans are available to support operating costs of small and mediumenterprises that have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. HCDC saidin a press release that it would be focusing on helping “main street”businesses with loans of up to $40000 and gave examples of “retailshops restaurants corner stores and businesses of strategicimportance to our communities.”
For information on the application process and eligibility go to .
“Through RRRF we are pleased to be able to provide additional critical supportto those small businesses adversely affected by COVID-19. Through ourpartnership with the Federal Economic Development Agency for SouthernOntario (FedDev Ontario) we are able to provide much needed capital tothose businesses who are unable to access current government subsidies” Peter Smith board chair of HCDC said.