By Darren Lum
Ontario Minister of Tourism Lisa MacLeod had nothing but good things to sayabout the Highlands as she walked through the Haliburton SculptureForest last week as part the “Reopening Ontario Tour.”
“It’s aperfect mix of nature art and heritage and it just has an abundance ofbeauty and meaning. I’d come back for sure” she said.
Although theminister confirmed there will be a delay to the expected announcement of $350000 funding for tourism marketing for this region as part of a $13 million funding partnership with Destination Ontario and DestinationCanada local representatives remained optimistic.
MacLeod said sheloved the Welcome to my Ward concept and plans to take it and share itwith other communities that could benefit.
Welcome to my Ward is aninitiative of Dysart et al’s COVID-19 recovery committee featuringcouncillors promoting their ward highlighting points of interest boatlaunches and parks websites for lake associations and businesses.
“With initiatives like that a little money goes a long way … the best waywe can grow that idea is by taking it provincewide and so we’re lookingat that and it’s only been five minutes” MacLeod said as she walkedthrough Glebe Park.
Dysart et al Mayor Andrea Roberts said she welcomed the opportunity to have the concept shared.
“I’m thrilled. I imagine a lot of communities are doing the same thing. Wejust have a really catchy name but it’s also from a personalexperience. I started to walk trails more right here in Dysart. Istarted to put my kayak in some boat launches that are 15 minutes awayfrom my house as opposed to thinking I have to go far away to travel”she said.
Roberts said this mindset is in line with what the minister called “hyper-local staycations.”
She welcomes more funding from the province.
MacLeod said the challenge for recovery is the “social crisis” facing society.
“Will people feel comfortable again to get out and circulate not just intheir own community but across the province? So we’re really trying tofocus on that and demonstrate as the three of us today [are doing]showing we can safely take in a trail. A trail I’d never seen beforewith natural beauty and history as well as art all combined in what Ithink is a tourism attraction” she said.
She said the Sculpture Forest is a prime candidate for a promotional video to draw prospective visitors.
After her tour of the Sculpture Forest the minister visited the MindenWhitewater Preserve on Horseshoe Lake Road in Minden. Her visit included a short talk about the facility and she spoke to high-level whitewaterpaddlers who were showing their skills on the rapids.
HaliburtonCounty Warden Liz Danielson said she was disappointed by the delay infunding but appreciated the visit and opportunity for promotion for the area.
“It’s always a good idea to promote the area particularlyduring these times to have some promotion and understanding: ‘Hey youcan get out and enjoy things.’ We’ve got lots of beautiful things toenjoy and the tourism industry has been hurting and this helps topromote it” she said. “Am I disappointed that there is no fundingannounced? Yes. But we’ve been assured that there will be funding to the area. It’s just that now we could probably use it.”
The municipalpolitician credited tourism staff with organizing the tour and said thetour allowed her to see freestyle kayakers ride and negotiate the rapids for the first time.
MacLeod said appealing to Ontario residents to travel in their own province is called “hyper-local marketing.”
“Hyper-local marketing means please go back out to your local farmers’ market.Please come down and visit your local waterways. Please come out andvisit your local trails like your forest sculptures. Take a trip to alocal patio. Join people together at your local ice cream shop” shesaid. “It’s safe to do so otherwise the chief medical officer of health would have said no. And so we’re trying to demonstrate here that you do not have to leave your community to have an impeccable summer vacation. You can go out. You can stay at home. You can stay at one of your local hotels or resorts or a cabin but it’s safe to do so right here in this community. Why wouldn’t you want to? I mean if I could stay anotherweek I would.”
Ontario’s Highlands Tourism Organization executivedirector Nicole Whiting was also disappointed by the funding delay butsaid the minister’s intended return when the province is in Stage 3 ofreopening brought her hope.
“In terms of the announcement yes itwas disappointing but we recognize it was really a logistical decision. There’s still a commitment to providing [the] same funding the RTOs[regional tourism organizations] have received across the province.”
Ontario’s Highlands is the second largest region of 13 in Ontario and is alsoknown as RTO 11 which includes Haliburton County Renfrew County andLanark County and portions of Hastings Frontenac and Lennox andAddington Counties.
This was Whiting’s first trip away from her homeregion since the provincial shutdown started and she said it was greatto travel and see how well operators and businesses are coping with thereality of COVID-19 protocols.
The effort is about getting people to broaden their view on travel options which are closer to home.
“We are very optimistic about that because we’re already seeing it evenbefore the marketing dollars are in place. I’ve talked to a number ofoperators that are saying they are very relieved to see the businesscoming in during the summer so that’s very encouraging. We’re going totry and keep that momentum going into the fall and I think it sets us up really well for 2021 as well” Whiting said.
One major attribute of the region is space to explore which makes it easy to physically distance.
Motioning towards the Gull River at the Whitewater Preserve Whiting said “Thisis exactly what people are looking for right now. Like we can naturallysocial distance [here] … get outside move around rather than beingcooped up. We’ve been cooped up for months. Whether it’s whitewaterkayaking hiking or biking or just getting out on the water. We haveso many opportunities to do that. I don’t want anybody to be discouraged by the change of plans. Do not be discouraged. We are very muchinvolved with those funding decisions. It’s just a matter of time.”
Municipal leaders said they were disappointed that expected funding was notannounced during the visit but they remained optimistic that moneywould be forthcoming. MacLeod said she was impressed with Dysart’sWelcome to my Ward campaign which highlights different parts of themunicipality encouraging people to visit their own community.