/Share a seat for Rideshare Week 

Share a seat for Rideshare Week 

“It’s about neighbours helping neighbours” says Kate Hall. “Our greatest transportation resource is the empty seats in people’s cars.”

Hall is part of Haliburton County’s Rural Transportation Options (RTO) which is promoting its inaugural Rideshare Week encouraging the art of carpooling from Oct. 24 through 30.

“We know ridesharing is already happening and we want to encourage it more” Hall says.

The RTO is encouraging people to share rides as often as possible including co-workers carpooling to and from the workplace.

“We do get a lot of people contacting us saying they’re looking for transportation to work” Hall says.

The weeklong event is meant to raise awareness of and promote ridesharing as a transportation option in a rural community. Often Hall notes people from all over the county are heading to common destinations on a daily basis.

Sharing rides is also better for the environment creating less pollution and can save money.

Church congregations are also encouraged to participate and the RTO is urging churches to issue friendly challenge to neighbouring churches to see who can get the most people to share a ride to church on Sunday Oct. 30.

Participation in the Rideshare Week Church Challenge can be confirmed by emailing Hall at info@haliburtonrideshare.ca

Along with the church challenge there will be prizes handed out for the individual who shared the most rides during the week; a driver who successfully arranged a ride through the Haliburton Rideshare website; a passenger who successfully shared a ride through the Haliburton Rideshare website; and the workplace with the highest percentage of staff participation.

There will also be a prize draw using the names of all who participate. Participant tracking forms can be obtained my emailing Hall and must be returned by Nov. 4.

For more information visit www.haliburtonrideshare.ca