/Shooting suspect arrested in Algonquin Highlands 

Shooting suspect arrested in Algonquin Highlands 

By Chad Ingram

Published Aug. 23 2018

According to the Toronto PoliceService a man allegedly implicated in the playground shooting of two girls inToronto in June was arrested in Algonquin Highlands on Thursdaynight.

A media release states the man wasarrested in the area of Stanhope Airport by members of the HaliburtonHighlands OPP.

Tarrick Rhoden 23 of no fixedaddress according to the release has been charged with a total of17 crimes including attempted murder; two counts of aggravatedassault; two counts of unauthorized possession of a firearm in amotor vehicle; discharging a firearm with intent; two counts ofunauthorized possession of a firearm; two counts of possession of afirearm knowing its possession is unauthorized; two counts ofpossession of a loaded restricted firearm; possession of a prohibiteddevice (over-capacity magazine); conspiracy to commit an indictableoffence; possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking;possession of a Schedule I substance; and possession of the proceedsof crime.

On June 15 a first suspect in theshooting was arrested by police. They are still on the lookout for athird suspect – T’Quan Robertson 23 of Toronto who isdescribed as five-foot-eight and weighing 130 pounds. He is wantedfor discharging a firearm with intent attempted murder and twocounts of aggravated assault and is encouraged to surrender himselfto Toronto police.

Rhoden was scheduled to appear in courtat Old City Hall in Toronto at 10 a.m. on Aug. 23.

On June 14 Toronto police responded toa shooting in the McCowan Road and Alton Towers Circle area. It isalleged that a man opened fire on another man who was in thepark. There were 11 children playing in the park at the time and twoof them girls aged five and nine were struck by bullets. Neithersuffered life-threatening injuries.