By Jenn Watt
Minden Hills approved a request from Places for People to use the municipal parking lot in Minden and the public washrooms for their second Sleeping in Cars event on March 27.
Nataly Mylan made a presentation to council on Feb. 13 on behalf of the affordable housing charity saying that this year a focus would be placed on youth homelessness.
Mylan pointed out that the teen years are especially important for neurological development and teenagers aren’t equipped to take on adult responsibilities.
“When we’re asking that 14- 15- 16-year-old kid to turn into an adult overnight what we’re asking … is physically impossible” she said.
Several members of council participated in Sleeping in Cars last year which entails participants coming together around a bonfire socializing until it is time for bed and then heading to their cars where they attempt to get a good night’s sleep.
Councillor Ron Nesbitt said he took part last year and pledged to donate this year but couldn’t handle sleeping in a car again.
Councillor Pam Sayne said last year she joined the group but did not sleep outside as she was worried about getting sick. However she advocated for the kind of immersive experience that this fundraiser provides which can give participants a new appreciation for what they have.
“I really appreciate the work that you’re doing to highlight this” Sayne said.
Sleeping in Cars will take place in Minden Haliburton and Wilberforce simultaneously. Money collected by participants will be donated to Places for People.