Cheryl Reid left district governor with the Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs along with Algonquin Highlands Deputy Mayor and County Warden Liz Danielsen joined members of the Haliburton County Snowmobile Association on Feb. 23 for the dedication of a reconstructed bridge spanning the Beech River in memory of late HCSA stalwart Peter Overington. /CHAD INGRAM Staff
reconstructed snowmobile bridge in Algonquin Highlands was dedicated in
the memory of late Haliburton County Snowmobile Association stalwart
Peter Overington in a ribbon-cutting ceremony during the weekend.
of the club and friends of Overington, who passed away last year,
gathered at the bridge spanning the Beech River on Feb. 23.
club member John Enright explained, Overington was instrumental in
obtaining an abandoned railway bed for conversion into local snowmobile
“Without Peter, we wouldn’t have that,” Enright said. “Thousands and thousands of hours.”
also facilitated directional signage on the trails, with arrow signs
he’d been able to obtain from the Expo 67 warehouse.
said, I’ll take them all and posted them on our trails,” Enright said.
“He took, like, 25,000 of them and put them up in Haliburton County.”
Enright added that Overington was also instrumental in advocating health and safety practices in the club.
Highlands township provided $8,000 in funding toward the $58,000
project, also funded by the HCSA and the Ontario Federation of
Snowmobile Clubs.
“We all support this
and we know how much it means to the county and to our municipality,”
said Algonquin Highlands Deputy Mayor and Haliburton County Warden Liz
Danielsen as she helped cut the ribbon on the reconstructed bridge.
Cheryl Reid, local district governor with the OFSC, was also in attendance.