TLDSB recognizes ASES excellence
By Sue Tiffin
Published May 25 2017
Aremarkable group of individuals from Archie Stouffer Elementary School (ASES)took a break from going above and beyond to be celebrated on May 17.
Thegroup of five staff and volunteers from the Minden school were recognized asCharacter Award winners by the Trillium Lakelands District School Board(TLDSB). Teacher Michelle Coneybeare custodian Janet Hutchinson educationalassistant Anna-Marie Mills and volunteers Bethan McCutcheon and Kate Stover -traveled to the Rene Caisse Theatre in Bracebridge for the annual Evening of Excellence to enjoy the nighttogether.
PrincipalJane Austin said the night wasspecial for the group to be able to attend together.
“Iam so proud to work in a community where such greatness exists and is celebrated”she said. “Archie Stouffer is a special place because it is supported by a teamof caring compassionate giving individuals who all work together to make itso.”
TheTLDSB acknowledges goal setting compassion responsibility perseverancefairness self-control citizenship honest respect and trustworthiness ascharacter traits. Character awards are awarded annually to staff or schoolcommunity members nominated by a colleague student parent or communitymember.
Austinspoke kindly of the award winners from ASES and said it was heartwarming to seethem honoured.
“Theyare all remarkable individuals for different reasons” she said. “The giftsthey share with our learning community are appreciated by our students theirfamilies our staff and our Minden community.”
Coneybeareis a Grade 3 teacher at ASES well-known for her dedication to her students aswell as in the broader school community.
“Micheleis an exemplary citizen” said Austin. “She makes those of us who are fortunateenough to have a part in her story better for knowing her.”
Hutchinsonis the lead hand on the school custodial staff and Austin said she is reliableand consistently demonstrates trustworthiness.
“Sheis an amazingly positive and caring individual” said Austin. “She goes aboveand beyond to ensure that she develops positive relationships with hercolleagues the students and the members of the user groups with whom sheconnects during her evening shift.”
Millsis an EA who Austin said is an example of compassion fairness and honesty.
“Sheis highly skilled at supporting students with exceptional needs and believesthat all students have the ability to be successful” said Austin.
McCutcheonand Stover are active parents in the school community who Austin applauded inhaving “visible presence.”
“Bethandemonstrates for all of us what it means to believe in the ability of childrento learn and grow and be active members of their community” she said. “Katecan always be counted on to support school programs and learning opportunitiesthrough the gift of her time and her talents.”
ASESvice-principal Anne Grant Linda Brandon and Coneybeare each received a 30-yearpin at the celebration for their service.
Characterawards were also given to Linda Mintz from Halliburton Highlands SecondarySchool and Marianne Greber from Stuart Baker Elementary School. About 115 such awards were distributed in total.