/Women Who Care reunite at Dominion 

Women Who Care reunite at Dominion 

By Chad Ingram

Published July 20 2017

100 Women Who Care Halibuton County willonce again be raising money for local charities at their third meeting at theDominion Hotel on Wednesday July 26.

The group is a local manifestation of an informalfundraising organization that has clubs all over the continent includingnearby in the City of Kawartha Lakes and Brock.

“It's not a registered charity itself”founder Joan Featherstone explains. “When we collect the money we give it tothe registered charity.”

The concept is simple. Three one-hourmeetings a year to which participating women each bring $100. Featherstonepoints out this equates to about 80 cents per day.

Women are also invited to attend inpairs each bringing $50.

Women each give a short talk nominating acharity of their choice and then the winning charity is decided by vote.

The group's first two meetings raisedthousands of dollars for local organizations.

Registration for the meetingbegins at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday July 26.

For more information contactFeatherstone at 705-286-4376 or curriejlf@gmail.com .