/The top 10 

The top 10 

By Chad Ingram

Asis an annual tradition around here here are the top 10 news stories of 2016for Minden Hills and Algonquin Highlands.

10. Algonquin Highlands office

Originallyscheduled for end-of-summer completion an expansion of the Algonquin Highlandstownship office on North Shore Road remains incomplete after the contractordefaults on the job.

9.Shipping containers

Afterfour drafts Algonquin Highlands council passes a bylaw regulating the use ofshipping containers as storage buildings in the township. The structures arenot permitted on residential properties.

8.Fire hall

Aproject nearly a decade in the making Minden Hills awards the $2-millioncontract for the construction of a new fire hall along Highway 35 toHuntsville's Greystone Construction. The new building will open up the downtownspace occupied by the current fire hall for other purposes.

7.Kennedy killers sentenced

Threeof the four men accused in the 2011 killing of county resident Ryan Kennedy aresentenced after an initial mistrial. Sentences range from 11 years to life inprison.

6.Service Ontario

Inthe spring the paper discovers the province has plans to close the MindenService Ontario office along with eight others by the end of November. Afteroutpourings of anger in these communities the province says the closures areon hold pending reviews which are still ongoing.

5.County fair

TheHaliburton County Fair more than 150 years old is in jeopardy of folding asits board of directors tries to replenish itself with new members.

4.Boshkung Brewing

In abanner year for Carnarvon's Boshkung Brewing the company's beers becomeavailable in LCBOs and Beer Stores throughout the province. Boshkung Brewingbuys the former Minden Beer Store location along Water Street where it willhave a production and retail facility.

3.MNRF base/Todd Bros.

Aftera years’ long process the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry opens itsnew fire response base at Stanhope Airport. A judge rules in favour ofAlgonquin Highlands township in a lawsuit from Todd Bros. Contracting Ltd. overthe cancelled runway project at the airport.

2.Bob Lake

Residentsof Bob Lake approach Minden Hills council after a private landowner blocksaccess to the lake's lone public boat launch which it turns out was neveractually public despite being used by lake residents for generations. In a$10000 process Minden Hills makes arrangements with the landowner to allowresidents to remove their boats in early October. Minden Hills Reeve BrentDevolin says the township is working on a long-term solution to the situationbut as of yet there have been no details.

1.Beaver Theatre

Mindenis abuzz as the former Beaver Theatre which has sat vacant along Water Streetfor several years gets a new owner. The intention is for a not-for-profitsociety to become a tenant of the building with Minden Hills township as apartner in the project. Minden Hills councillors however believe a number ofrequests being made are premature.