By Lee Ross
Published April 13 2017
It's spring in Muskoka which means that pretty soon we're going to start seeing bears. If you encounter a bear remember to stay calm because bears want to avoid humans. If you do feel a bear is a personal threat to your personal safety call 911 or your local police. For non-emergencies call the Bear Wise reporting line at 1-866-514-2327 (April 1 – Nov. 30). The bears at the dump may be fun to look at but remember to keep your pets in the car and stay a safe distance. These animals are trying to feed themselves and minding their own business and may feel threatened when they see carloads of people with their cameras pointed at them.
Spring also means higher water levels in cottage country and even though Dorset doesn't always experience the flooding that other towns in the area experience it's still dangerous. Those beautiful waterfalls that are easily accessible to us are rushing at much greater speeds than normal and could easily sweep you up. It's always a good idea to stay a safe distance away from waterfalls and dams especially this time of year.
The Easter bunny is coming this weekend and he'll be making a stop in Dorset on Saturday April 15 to hide some eggs. These eggs need to be found so bring a basket to the Pavilion at 2 p.m. and collect as many eggs as you can then turn them in for a treat and a fun craft. Parents will also receive a handout about an upcoming Family Wellness Seminar at the Hub.
Every spring the town of Dorset hosts a pitch-in day to help beautify the town. Locals and cottagers are encouraged to grab a clear garbage bag and pick up trash and litter along Main Street Highways 35 and 117 and any backroads in between. More information on the official Dorset Pitch-In Day will be available shortly on the Dorset Canada Facebook page as well as
Happy birthday to Connor Crewson Jean MacInnis Katherine Mastinko Bev Robinson and Robbie Drebbit. If you have birthdays or items for the Dorset News please submit them to