To the Editor
In reference to the editorial in the Times about Warden Moffatt making some suggestions in changes to the position of Warden for Haliburton County may I suggest that she did not include the obvious solution to the Warden and council’s future.
There should be another amalgamation within the county to become a single tier municipality. The last amalgamation was a start and now we should complete the process to a single tier.
The need for all five governments for our small population does not make any sense today. (Not that I thought it did before either).
Going to four local towsnhips and the county did result in savings and some streamlining of process.
Additional savings and getting rid of so much duplication services is the answer.
I know that not everyone will agree that the last amalgamation was beneficial the same as people in other jurisdiction did not want the change or embrace it. But let’s at least take a very serious look at completing the amalgamation of our great county.
Bill Obee
Minden Hills