Herecomes Valentine Cat byDeborah Underwood
Catdoes not like Valentine’s Day. It’s too mushy and he’s notinterested in giving anyone a Valentine… especially not his newneighbour Dog. Dog has been howling and throwing his bones over thefence. When Dog throws his ball over the fence Cat has had it andwants to launch Dog in a rocket to the moon. But then Dog throwssomething new over the fence and Cat might just change his mindabout Dog.
Herecomes Valentine Cat by Deborah Underwood is illustrated by ClaudiaRueda and is a story about learning to understand people and makingnew friends. Here comes Valentine Cat is available to reserve at theHaliburton County Public Library.
Joinus for I <3 Winter: Family Story Time and Craft! SaturdayFeb. 1310:30 a.m. at the Dysart branch 2 p.m. at the Minden branch.