/Solid education in peril

Solid education in peril

To the Editor

I read your editorial last week and was disappointed in your lack of understanding of the teaching profession the issues at hand and your derogatory tone.

Regarding volunteerism: Your suggestion that the only volunteering teachers do is at school is incorrect. Many teachers volunteer in a variety of community groups outside of the school. To suggest otherwise is just naïve. Teachers like so many others are threads in the volunteer fabric that makes this community special.

Regarding work to rule: During the last work to rule many teachers were in tears when faced with the difficult decisions to cancel trips or activities for their students. Most teachers love extracurricular activities. That’s why they volunteer to make them happen. It’s not a happy choice. (Chad cancelling math class is not a legal option. I think you know that.)

The loss of the extras is upsetting to teachers parents and the community. I just wish more people would get upset about what really counts – solid education – because that’s what the province and the board are trying to take away from your kids. Cramming 30 plus kids into a room designed to accommodate 20 is wrong. I’d love to see an editorial that speaks to this.

Joan Duhaime