To the Editor
The ward system became a reality in 2000 with the Amalgamation of the Township of Minden Hills. The system was necessary then to combine the three councils as each had a reeve deputy reeve councillors clerk etc. reducing those positions to one council for that election. Now 14 years later since that election’s four-year span can we not have an “at large” election eliminating the wards next time? Canning Lake where I am a permanent resident is divided down the middle of the lake between the former Snowdon and Minden Townships. Are my concerns not the same as those across the lake from me? There are many excellent candidates running for council in Ward 1 whom I would love to support but in the ward system I am not able to cast my vote there. I can only vote for Ward 3 councillors. Some think the little areas of the township would not be heard from in a non-ward system. All candidates in this election should be looking at the “big picture” as your concerns were all the same at the candidates meeting. You would have a voice at the council meetings where your concerns should be brought forward no matter who you were representing. The fear of reducing the number of councillors could be solved by having a vote for five “councillors at large.”
Those who chose to be a candidate in this election should be applauded not scorned as it is a 24/7 job at the mercy of the citizens with their many problems or concerns. Thank you candidates for putting yourselves “out there!” Our job now is to VOTE!
Lois Rigney
Canning Lake Township of Minden Hills