/Unfortunate and disappointing

Unfortunate and disappointing

To the Editor,

Re: No notice for Scouts and Guides, Minden Times, May 12

This decision by the Minden Hills council is unfortunate and disappointing. As a taxpayer for the past 27 years and paying for the arena with my tax dollars, the council owes it to the Scouts and Guides to find accommodation in the new arena for these groups.
Transparency in communication is of utmost importance at any time but especially when dealing with your clients.

As a volunteer for the vaccination clinic at the arena, I notice there are already change rooms set aside for the players.
Money often speaks volumes. As a senior, and not a hockey fan, I am sure I will not be using this arena. For children who do not skate but have a desire to learn and help in their community, this cohort has been left out to dry.

I implore the council to find a location in the community centre to fit the needs of the Scouts and Guides. Not to forget Rotary donated funds for the group originally to have space in the community centre.

Anne Stephens
Claude Brown Road