By James Matthews, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter The first draft of Haliburton County’s capital and operating budget this year has a tax increase of almost eight per cent.The total levy required to maintain county services…
‘Trying something new’; County CAO ready to make…
By Emily Stonehouse Gary Dyke is no stranger to local politics, and he’s ready to wade into the (occasionally murky) waters of Haliburton County upper tier governance as their new CAO. “I’ve never worked at…
County council keeps Danielsen as warden
By James Matthews, Local Journalism Initiative Program Haliburton County council voted to stay its course and continue with its most familiar warden at the helm. The upper tier council chose to return Algonquin Highlands Mayor…
New Minden CAO steps in
By Emily Stonehouse The search is finally over. After months of searching for a new CAO in Minden Hills, Cynthia Fletcher has stepped into the role, effective Nov. 23, 2023. “I am extremely pleased that…
Minden rules property owners are on the hook…
By James Matthews, Local Initiative Journalism Reporter It’s as if renting a property through Airbnb is a means to consequence-free revelry for the renter and whatever fines may come to the owner. Minden Hills property…
HHHS asks Haliburton County for $1M
By James Matthews, Local Initiative Journalism Reporter Haliburton Highlands Health Services has its eyes set on optimizing health and wellbeing in the county. And $1-million from the county will go a long way to achieving…
County council dives into communal services
By Emily Stonehouse It’s been a hot topic for a long time, and some of the wheels were set in motion for shared services at a special meeting of county council on Sept. 13. Councillors…
Halt, police! Minden council denies OPP request for…
By James Matthews, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter Minden Hills council scuttled a request for a storage sea can at the Haliburton Highlands OPP detachment. Despite many residents having such containers on their properties in contradiction…
Minden ER closure ensures Haliburton facility can continue:…
By James Matthews, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter The shortage of medical staff is at the root of the decision to close the Minden Hills Emergency Department. Haliburton Highlands Health Services recently announced the facility would…
‘So long for now’ – Minden River Cone…
By Emily Stonehouse It’s becoming more and more common; a Minden business closing its doors, waiting for times to ease up. That’s what the Minden River Cone has had to do. The relatively new business…
Lax attention to infrastructure catches up on Minden…
By James Matthews, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter Inflationary pressures have increased the costs of fuel and materials needed by Minden Hills’ Department of Public Works. That truth was easily shown by changes in line items…
Minden staff to probe rodenticide use
By James Matthews, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter Minden Hills will take a close look at how rodenticides are used on municipal property. The issue was brought to the fore during the council's Jan. 12 public…
Dailloux named Deputy Mayor for AH
By Emily Stonehouse Algonquin Highlands will have a new face in the role of deputy mayor. Jennifer Dailloux, who previously served as Councillor Ward 3 for the area was nominated for deputy mayor by Councillor…
Minden Council faces a fresh start
By Emily Stonehouse Minden Council faces a fresh startThere’s a new mayor in town for Minden Hills, and he is ready to hit the ground running. Mayor Bob Carter, who ran unopposed in the municipal…
County hears townships’ feedback to common signage plan
By James Matthews, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter The lower tier municipalities that make up Haliburton County have concerns about common countywide signage. Scott Ovell, director of economic development, updated county council on progress toward establishing…
County creates new position to monitor lake health
By James Matthews, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter Haliburton County has created a planning technologist position for the Lake Health Monitoring Program. Council agreed to the new administrative position Nov. 9 during a special meeting. Funding…
AH council discusses firefighter pay
The following are brief reports of items discussed during a Feb. 3 meeting of Algonquin Highlands Council, held virtually. By Nick Bernard Fire Chief Mike French presented a proposal outlining new hourly rates for firefighters…
Working group to form around green burial initiative
By Nick Bernard The following are brief reports from an Algonquin Highlands regular council meeting held virtually on Jan. 20. Council has agreed to form an ad hoc committee to collaborate with the Haliburton Highlands…
Council stays ‘on the right side’ of responsibilities
By Nick Bernard Integrity Commissioner Harold Elston made his last report to Algonquin Highlands council during their meeting on Jan. 20, ahead of the municipal election set for later this year. In his report, Elston…
Work from home policy goes beyond pandemic
By Nick Bernard The following are brief reports of items discussed during a Jan. 13 meeting of Minden Hills council, held virtually. Minden chief administrative officer and clerk Trisha McKibbin presented a report on the…
Councillors bring arena questions to the table
By Nick Bernard Following his report on the activities of the Community Services department at the Nov. 25 Minden Hills council meeting, director Craig Belfry was asked about a number of concerns arising from the…