/Community gets look at new Haliburton Youth Hub
MPP Laurie Scott left gives a certificate congratulating organizers on opening the new Haliburton Youth Hub. Marg Cox executive director of Point in Time and Stephanie MacLaren VP of community programs at HHHS received the certificate. /JENN WATT Staff

Community gets look at new Haliburton Youth Hub

By Jenn Watt

Published Aug. 9 2018

Members of the community got a chance to see the building that will become the new Haliburton Youth Hub last week.

A special event at the new location on Dysart Avenue in Haliburton on July 31 which previously housed the Lighthouse Pentecostal Church drew a large crowd on a sweltering afternoon to see the space.

Point in Time executive director Marg Cox welcomed the guests which included youth parents staff and political representatives by thanking them for their efforts in getting the initiative off the ground.

“It really has [taken] a village or a county in this case to bring it to fruition” she said.

A film made my Rowan Tofflemire about the lack of services for adolescents teenagers and young adults was screened first which helped everyone understand the local need.

Nearly $1 million over three years has been committed by the province and about $33000 came in through Haliburton County Development Corporation.

The project is being led by Point in Time Centre for Children Youth and Parents and Haliburton Highlands Health Services.

Lighthouse pastor Doug Ross passed a ceremonial key to the building to some of the young people who came out to the event.

“It’s a great day for your community and it’s a great day for the youth” said MPP Laurie Scott.

“Haliburton is like a template for the rest of the province. I want to take what’s happening here and spread it out to the province” she said.

County Warden Suzanne Partridge congratulated the young people who pushed for the hub.

“Kudos to the youth of Haliburton County for lobbying Point in Time and the rest of the community and all the community agencies. I’m just thrilled to be here and seeing this happening” she said.

Dysart et al Mayor Murray Fearrey pointed to the work done by Marg Cox calling her an outstanding leader and noted that the hub is located conveniently close to the arena and new skate park in town.

The Haliburton Youth Hub isn’t yet open. There is renovation still to be done to make the space accessible and ready to use. Preliminary plans were posted to the wall which showed a chair lift addition of a universal washroom and kitchen facilities.

The hub was created to give young people a place to go when not in school. It is to include needed social supports as well as entertainment and recreational opportunities. Several brainstorming sessions have already taken place about what should be provided.

Peter Smith president of the Point in Time board of directors outlined a vision for the hub.

“Youth need a place which is welcoming safe and accessible. A place where they can share contribute and participate. A place with an access to a variety of services and service professionals. I’m pleased to say that this place now exists in our community” he said.

Speeches were followed by a performance by local band Wescali.