/Deep Bay Road repairs cost $100K 
Vehicles travel over a repaired section of Deep Bay Road. A burst beaver dam tore up about 400 metres of the road in early August leaving it closed for more than a week as repairs were made. /DARREN LUM Staff

Deep Bay Road repairs cost $100K 

By Chad Ingram

A washout of Deep Bay Road that occurred earlier this month has cost the County of Haliburton which owns the road about $100000 to repair.

On Aug. 3 a 400-metre section of the road was torn up by torrents ofwater rushing from a burst beaver dam with the roadway reopened topublic traffic on Aug. 12.
During an Aug. 12 countycommittee-of-the-whole meeting public works director Craig Douglas told councillors the repairs has cost approximately $100000 adding thatleftover contingency money from another roads project would be able tocover the bulk of that bill.

Douglas had been in touch with theMinistry of Natural Resources and Forestry the Ministry of Environment Parks and Conservation and the superintendent of the Queen ElizabethII Wildlands Provincial Park an entranceway to which is located offDeep Bay Road.
“I confirmed it’s a beaver dam one or more beaverdams directly north of the entrance to the park [that burst]” Douglassaid adding he’d been trying to see if the provincial agencies might be able to help the county out.

“So was the beaver dam within the confines of the QEII Wildlands [Provincial Park]?” asked Minden Hills Mayor Brent Devolin.

“It was” Douglas said.