Fire ban lifted across county
By Chad Ingram
A fire ban that has been in place acrossthe four townships of HaliburtonCounty since July 7 has been lifted as of July 17.
“The current risk of wildfire has reducedwithin our township” reads a release from Minden Hills fire chief NelsonJohnson. “The rain over the last few days has reduced the wildfire risk. Allburn permits issued within the Township of Minden Hillsare reinstated and new permits will be issued.”
Regulations prohibit daytime burningbetween 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. except by permit. No fire may exceed two metres indiameter all fires must be attended at all times and residents must have theability to extinguish their fires.
Fireworks are prohibited and require apermit.
“Materials must be clean wood and cannotcontain plastics garbage or hydrocarbon products such as tar oils andgrease” the release reads. “The smoke and odours must not interfere with your neighbours or obscure roadways. The MindenHills fire department also requests the public’s assistance to support theseprevention measures and to report any wildfires or suspicious activity bycalling 911 immediately.”
“Any person that sets allows to be set ormaintains a fire within that restricted time without
a permit shall be responsible for all feesfines and costs incurred by the fire department” the release states.
In a social media post Algonquin HighlandsMayor Carol Moffatt wrote the fire ban had been lifted across the county.
“The county’s fire chiefs will continue tomonitor conditions” she wrote.