With the wisdom of Job the organizersof our Junk in the Trunk sale was moved from a rainy Saturday toa sunny Sunday. Fred was barbecuing breakfast and lunch. A good time washad by all.
This week's events are as follows: Friday August 11 at7:30 after our fish dinner we have Fred & Linda's Karaoke.Don't miss the hottest spot in town for entertainment. You will besurprised at the talent we have in this town. Come out and showcaseyour talent or join a group with a tune. No cover charge.
August13 at 12:30: Big Bucks Euchre. For $15 you get anexcellent lunch including soup 4 kinds of sandwiches either afruit tray or vegetable tray an assortment of desserts andunlimited tea & coffee. Substantial payouts for placement are inplace. Also mark August 19 from 4 – 7 on yourcalendar for the second appearance of Open Mic. Their lastappearance was very lively.
Did you know that Canada produced fivemilitary vehicles for the Second World War? Two thousand Rams were producedby Montreal Locomotive Works who also produced 188 Grizzly tanksCanada’s version of the M4A1 Sherman Tank. 2000 Sextons the 25 pdrSP were created to replace other British Armoured vehicles thatstruggled in the North African Campaign.
Otter light reconnaissancecars were produced by General Motors in Oshawa. They along withthe Ford Motor Company produced more than half a million CanadianMilitary Pattern Trucks. For further information about Canada’srole in warfare or other military news go to legionmagazine.com tosubscribe.
The branch phone number is 705-286-4541.Also follow us on Facebook at mindenlegion636.
Everyone is welcome at all events.