By Grace Oborne
My name is Grace and this week is my first week working with the Times. I’ll be here throughout the summer, and I could not be more excited. Despite that excitement, I’m also quite nervous given that this is my first job in the industry. These nerves have made it nearly impossible for me to write this introductory piece. So much so, that I’ve managed to hold down the delete button more than I ever have before.
The saying “you never get a second chance to make a first impression,” is abundantly accurate, which adds a little more pressure to make sure that all goes well.
Working with the Times is an opportunity that came about quickly and unexpectedly. I had been looking for a summer job for some time but had no luck. From the beginning of my search, my parents suggested I look for something that allows me to gain experience in my career path of journalism. After many weeks, I came across a job listing for the Haliburton Echo/Minden Times, and it seemed to be a perfect match. Writing is my passion, and people bring me joy. To have the opportunity to integrate the two is something that I’m really excited about. There is something special about listening to people’s stories and writing for a community.
Before I can begin my adventure of writing and sharing your stories, it is only right that I share a little bit of mine.
I was born in Toronto, and raised in Richmond Hill. I come from a loving, supportive, and hardworking family. My father, mother, and two younger brothers are the most hardworking people I know, and are therefore my biggest inspirations in life.
I currently attend Carleton University, in Ottawa, where I am studying, in my opinion, the most compelling profession one can pursue. I’ll be starting my second year this coming September.
Although I’ve enjoyed my studies thus far, the pandemic has really altered my lifestyle. Prior to COVID-19, I surrounded myself with people all the time. Since then, it became more difficult for me to do so, especially while away at school. I found that I spent more time alone than I ever had before. Despite the fact that my social life was at an all-time low, I managed to keep up with my academics and to still make the most of what I had going for me. Now that life is slowly returning back to normal, I’m excited to take on this job and to meet new people.
I’ve actually spent a lot of my time in Haliburton over the past few years as my boyfriend and his family have a cottage in the community. They have so kindly welcomed me into their home and community with open arms and because of that, I am able to work in-person. Working in-person at the Times is important because it will allow me to gain more journalistic experience.
The Times and Echo have a well-deserved reputation for excellence which they continue to uphold and are well known and respected nationwide. I truly enjoy my time spent in Haliburton and the surrounding community. For all these reasons, I am beyond excited and feel honored to work alongside a talented team of journalists.
I’m eager to meet and talk with as many of you as possible over the course of the summer, while keeping at a safe social distance, of course. If you wish to reach out for any reason, whether you have a news recommendation, or would like to simply have a conversation about Haliburton and its good old days or its present, please feel free to reach out anytime at Being able to listen to what you all have to say is something I look forward to doing.