The Minden Curling Club has received a hefty grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation for energy-efficient upgrades at the facility.
A grant application for $108800 has been approved by the foundation and will be used to upgrade all of the lighting in the building to LED including in the rink the lounge and the locker rooms as well as replace the club’s compressor and the heater for the rink with a propane model.
All of the improvements are expected to help reduce the club’s hydro bill.
“We are over the moon” club president Steve Robson told the paper. “We’ve been working at it for a couple of years.”
Robson acknowledged Gord Sheehan who was the lead on the grant application as well as Danny Butorac and Dave Tranter for their work on details. The installations will be performed by volunteers from the club’s membership.
The Municipality of Dysart et al was also successful in obtaining a Trillium grant for playground equipment at the Eagle Lake beach and West Guilford Community Centre worth $86800. Mayor Murray Fearrey told the paper there is a 10-week delivery time for the equipment and expected it would be installed by parks staff in September.