/Minden Hills holds photo contest 
This Times file photo shows the Crazy River Raft Race the hallmark of Minden Canada Day celebrations in 2018. /CHAD INGRAM Staff

Minden Hills holds photo contest 

By Chad Ingram

Canada Day will look a lot different inMinden this year with Minden Hills' annual celebration whichnormally packs the downtown with residents and visitors cancelledamid the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak.

However the township is still invitingresidents to celebrate the holiday by participating in a Canada Dayphoto contest.

“The township is hosting a photocontest where the winner will receive a gift certificate to a localMinden business of their choice!” reads a release from thetownship. “Participating is fun and easy to do. Simply pick acategory (or categories) from the supplied list get creative withCanada Day-themed ideas take a photo and submit it along with acompleted photo submission form to the township.”

The categories make Minden into anacronym. M is for maple leaves and maple syrup. I is for imagination.N is for nature. D is for doors and patios. E is for essentialservices and thank you to those who provide them. N is for nationalfoods of Canada.

Visit https://mindenhills.ca/events/ to find submission forms and rules on how to submit photos.