To the Editor
I am writing this to you so that all the taxpayers in Minden Hills will know my questions and concerns. This evening there was a fire at Scotch Line landfill and as usual and as expected ourMinden fire department was right on the job and for that and all theirservices we are very appreciative. My concern is the cost of fightingthis fire; not so much the equipment and manpower as the water supply.
All Minden residents are paying for town water supply and expect it to beavailable to supply our basic needs as well as through the fire hydrants so strategically placed about town for fighting fires in town. As townwater users we have been advised time after time that the more water weuse the greater the costs to supply. Each household has had orapparently supposed to have had a meter installed to monitor waterconsumption and pay a basic fee AND if you go over a set number oflitres you must pay more for that water.
My questions are; 1) Whokeeps track of the water used for fires outside of town when the firetankers are filled load after load from town fire hydrants? 2) How arethe taxpayers who pay for this water helped to offset these costs? 3)Why can’t the water for these fires come from the river (no further toriver than hydrant at Fleming Road and Bobcaygeon road; and large hillto go up either direction)? 4) Why use treated water at a cost toeverybody when natural water is no farther away and does not have thoseextra treatment or water tower storage costs or pumping costs? Justwondering as our fire chief and many or most of our fire departmentmembers may have never thought of it or may not be on town water whichdoes cost a fair penny to taxpayers and more to users. Just asking andthank you.
Richard (Dick) Schell
Minden Hills