/Letters to the EditorLetters to the EditorTo the EditorAnne Stephens

Letters to the EditorLetters to the EditorTo the EditorAnne Stephens

To the Editor

Re: Minden Hills plans to increase taxes nearly 9% by Chad Ingram

Councillor Sayne said “while there is an assumption that those living on a lake are more affluent and many year round waterfront residents are seniors living on fixed incomes.” Councillor Neville said “I don’t feel sorry for people living on a lake and I’m one of them.”

I take exception to Neville’s comments.
I chose to live on a lake and as such I do not have paved roads or sidewalks street lights garbage collection town water or sewage.

However my taxes are automatically increased because I opted to NOT have these amenities. Why does this justify higher taxation?
If Scotch Line landfill had been managed better it would not require such an increase to comply to Ministry of Environment standards.

Anne Stephens