/Requesting real dialogue

Requesting real dialogue

To the Editor

I am writing with two concerns. First the actions of Premier Doug Ford and the Ontario government around education and second the lack of meaningful communication from our representative Laurie Scott.

It should be noted that Lisa Thompson our Minister of Education has no education degree has no teaching experience and has never worked in an education environment. Seems outrageously odd to me.

I would note that I taught high school for 30 years so have experience to speak from.

Many of the changes in education by this government are untenable. The raising of class sizes from an average of 22 to 28 with some classes being as large as 36 to 40 will negatively affect the quality of learning.

Also mandatory online courses is also an idea fraught with problems. One being poor internet connections for many that make it difficult and expensive. Again I have experience by virtue of the internet service where I live.

There are other issues such as the loss of teaching jobs.

The bottom line is that attending breakfasts lunches and ribbon cutting events while a necessary part of the job are not what the priorities should be. We need our representative to come out from behind Doug Ford and the party line metaphorically and literally and speak to her constituents directly. Real dialogue is needed.

Greg J. Roe

Minden Hills