Maybe that doesn’t apply to the wood-panelled offices of Parliament Hill orQueen’s Park where there is plentiful power perks and six-figuresalaries but it certainly applies to many municipal politiciansespecially those in small rural communities.
In places likeHaliburton County local politics is still considered a part-timevocation and councillors are not highly paid. There is no gold-platedpension. Yet they remain subject to the same level of public scrutinyand criticism as their provincial and federal counterparts. Maybe more.Most of us don’t run into our MPP or MP at the grocery store veryoften.
Municipal politicians shape their communities withtheir decisions and so it is critically important that those people are at the council table for the right reasons. Cheryl Murdoch was at thecouncil table for the right reasons.
The now former deputymayor of Minden Hills spent 15 years on council bringing with her heaps of experience from more than two decades serving on the local schoolboard; first the Haliburton County School Board which would eventuallybecome part of the amalgamated Trillium Lakelands District School Boardthat we know today. Murdoch was heavily involved in that amalgamationprocess where she chaired the strategic planning committee. She wouldbe elected the first county trustee on the new amalgamated board aswell as its first chairperson.
Murdoch was always a calmsteady and level-headed presence on Minden Hills and Haliburton Countycouncils. While some politicians like to publicly pontificate more thanmay be required when Murdoch spoke you knew it was going to beconstructive and to the point. Her steadfastness was also an assetduring the tumultuous Minden Hills council term of 2010 to 2014 whereshe became the experienced anchor of the ship on a turbulent sea.
She has become sort of an elder stateswoman on council sharing herexperience and knowledge with colleagues and has always kept closeconnection with the community she serves.
Speaking of municipal politicians last week she said this:
“We’re the lowest of the low on the totem pole which to me is the bestbecause we’re the ones who deal with the people directly. I go to town I go to the grocery store or the post office or whatever and everybodywants to talk and that’s part of my job and I feel that any councillor should understand that people want to talk to you. You’re there for the people. If you’re not truly going to care about the people you’re inthe wrong job.”
Pretty much sums it up.
Thank you Cheryl for your time and commitment to your community. All the best.