/Red Hawks tournament just the beginning 
Red Hawks junior volleyball players Samantha Pamplin left Danielle Allison and Emma Casey celebrate after closing out Brock 25-14 to take both games in the match during Kawartha High School Volleyball exhibition action on Tuesday afternoon Dec. 6 in Haliburton.

Red Hawks tournament just the beginning 

By Darren Lum

Published Dec. 13. 2016

There’s a lot to be said about learning by doing.

SteveSmith coach of the Red Hawks junior girls’ volleyball team gavecredence to this after his team hosted five Kawartha West highschools for an invitational exhibition tournament on Tuesday Dec.6.
He believes his team will get better with more experience afterseeing them play in the team’s first competition last week.
“Thesetournaments are all about experience and so I try to get all thegirls some sort of experience. Especially at home. We got parents andwhatnot here” he said. “It’s fun to get the girls out andinvolved. It’s the first time for some of the girls playing infront of their hometown.”