/ASES supports frontline workers 
ed Cumber shared this photo of Emma from Gooderham saying she and her family “wanted to thank all the front line people who are sacrificing their own health to get us through these troubling times the nurses doctors [personal support workers] and those who support these professionals. The drivers delivering those who support the people in need in the stores the volunteers watching out for others.”Elanor photo cultine

ASES supports frontline workers 

By Sue Tiffin

Archie Stouffer Elementary School started the week with a challenge tothe school community set forth by Quinn and Eleanor Higgins: create adisplay of hearts in windows at home and workplaces throughout the areato help honour what the school’s social media page described as “all ofthe members of our community who continue to be at work supporting us.We appreciate the nurses doctors PSWs shelter workers truck drivers grocery and essential store workers police officers paramedicsprison guards and the countless others who leave their homes every dayduring the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Posts on the original announcementshow students and teachers participating as well as the county officesand Eagle Lake Country Market which was decorated by Eleanor herselfwith help from staff.
Erinn Lynch mom to Quinn and Eleanor said she got the idea from the Caremongers Haliburton Facebook group where TedCumber had posted about the idea which started with Emma in Gooderham.

“We wanted to be able to contribute in some way and let all our friends who are frontline workers (especially nurses) know that we are thinking ofthem that we support them that they are not alone and how grateful weare” said Lynch. “I also thought it would be empowering for the kidsand our school to contribute their art and help them feel like theirvoices and place in our community are important while supporting thecommunity at large as we all come together while staying apart.” Whilesome kids painted their windows others created hearts out ofconstruction paper and signs of encouragement. “We live in a specialplace” said Lynch. “Everyone is important. And ultimately we are all in this together.”