/Fines coming for Bobcaygeon Road parking 

Fines coming for Bobcaygeon Road parking 

By Chad Ingram

Minden Hills township will soon start fining residents who continue to park along Bobcaygeon Road between Invergordon Avenue and Fleming Road.

Last summer council voted to resurface and sign a little-used municipal parking lot at the intersection of Bobcaygeon Road and Deep Bay Road and to install no-parking signage along Bobcaygeon Road adjacent to Monk’s Funeral Home.

While there were once parallel parking stalls along the stretch a widening of the sidewalk there a few years ago removed the parking spaces. However residents continue to park in front of the businesses.

During an Oct. 29 meeting council supporting a recommendation from the township’s roads advisory committee voted to extend that no parking zone along Bobcaygeon Road from Invergordon Avenue to Fleming Road near the entrance to the fairgrounds.

While no parking signage has now been installed residents continue to park along this stretch of Bobcaygeon Road.

“If we’re not extending warnings already I’d ask we start doing that immediately” said Reeve Brent Devolin during at March 9 committee-of-whole meeting.

Devolin said once the busy summer season begins the township will begin issuing tickets for parking infractions in the area.