/MH reopens some facilities 

MH reopens some facilities 

By Chad Ingram

The Township of Minden Hills is reopening some of its facilities as thetownship has entered Stage 3 of the provincial government’s COVID-19recovery process.

At the township’s administrative office on MilneStreet some services will be available by appointment and residentsare asked to call ahead with inquiries.
For the time being however residents are encouraged to continue to access services remotely asmuch as possible. “Most municipal services have continued to beavailable through the pandemic and have been offered online and byphone” reads a release from the township. “To support physicaldistancing residents and customers are encouraged to continue to access Township services online at mindenhills.ca and by phone at 705-286-1260 as much as possible.”

As of Tuesday Aug. 4 the Agnes Jamieson Gallery at the Minden HillsCultural Centre had been reopened to the public with operating hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Bowron House part of the Minden Hills Museumhas also been re-opened to the public while the rest of the historicbuildings that constitute the museum remain accessible through virtualtour only at this time. For inquires regarding the cultural centreemail gallery@mindenhills.ca or call 705-286-3154.

Minden Hills council recently passed a policy requiring that all members ofthe public wear a face mask while inside municipal facilities and thatall staff members must wear a face mask when interacting with members of the public.