/Minden cadet honoured for excellence by Fenelon Falls corps
Scott King poses with his medal of excellence at the Navy League Cadets of Canada Adanac’s annual parade in Fenelon Falls earlier this month. The medal of excellence is one of the highest honours a Navy League Cadet can receive. Photo courtesy of Nelcia King

Minden cadet honoured for excellence by Fenelon Falls corps

By Robert Mackenzie

Published June 29 2017

A Minden cadet won Fenelon Falls Navy League’s medal of excellence this month.

Scott King 12 was awarded the honour at the Navy League Cadets of Canada Adanac annual parade June 5 at the Fenelon Falls Legion.

The medal of excellence is awarded annually to the most proficient cadets within their divisions. The award requires good attendance citizenship a thorough grasp of cadet training and setting an outstanding personal example of dress and deportment.

“I was just over the moon” Scott’s mom Nelcia said. “It’s a pretty high honour because so many [cadets] were aging out there were a fair number that could have won the award.”

Scott is one of those aging out as the Navy League Cadets only run from ages nine to 12. Next Scott plans on joining the army cadets either in Lindsay or Haliburton. Scott can wear his medal of excellence on his uniform as he moves on to the army cadets and can continue wearing it if he chooses to join the military in the future.

Although he says his mom made him join the cadets in the first place Scott is happy for the opportunities the program has given him “You get to learn go to camp meet new people and make new friends” he said.