By Chad Ingram
Published June 1 2017
Residents of Sandy Bay Road along the shores of Gull Lake are asking Minden Hills township to do a better job on maintenance of the thoroughfare.
Jack Sward who told councillors he’d been delegated to speak on behalf of a number of his neighbours made a presentation to council during a May 25 meeting.
“”It’s a community road” Sward said. “It is a dead-end road. There is only one way in and the same way out.”
Sward told councillors problematic potholes had formed long before the recent flooding and that dead trees along the roadside were also a safety concern.
"This is exceptionally bad” Sward said.
Reeve Brent Devolin pointed to the fact the township’s roads department had been short-staffed throughout the winter months.
“First of all our roads department was down with four out of nine employees missing” Devolin said. “I don’t think you’re being very empathetic at all. I think you have to consider the sequence of events that led to this.”
The reeve said there are a number of roads within the township that need work.
“I go in your road with some regularity” Devolin said. “I’m not unfamiliar with your road. It’s not exclusive to your road.”
He stressed that roads work is completed on a schedule.
Councillor Pam Sayne said the condition of Sandy Bay Road was among the worst she’d ever seen in the township.
“I think you and all the people on Sandy Bay Road have been patient with the situation on Sandy Bay Road” Sayne said. “”It is in very poor condition and I understand exactly what you’re talking about.”
Sward’s comments will be forwarded to the township’s road advisory committee.