Twenty-three schools in Trillium Lakelands District School Board will be receiving funding from the Ministry of Education to enhance or initiate parent engagement projects. The Parents Reaching Out (PRO) grants range from $750 to a maximum of $1000 for submissions that demonstrated a strong and direct link between parents and their child’s education. Almost all schools received full funding for their applications.
“The importance of parent engagement and the impact on a child’s success in school cannot be
emphasized enough” stated Director of Education Larry Hope “These approved projects will go a long
way in helping our school councils offer wonderful opportunities to our parents.”
Schools from all areas of the school board – Muskoka Haliburton and Kawartha Lakes – are included
in the list of successful applicants providing a total of $22000 in funding.
“It is wonderful that so many of our schools have been successful with their grant applications” said
school board chair Louise Clodd. “We have very strong commitment to parent engagement in our
district and this funding will help our school councils to continue the great initiatives they put in place
for parents to help their children.”