/‘A lot of good people out there’

‘A lot of good people out there’

Letter to the Editor published in the Dec. 8 edition of the Minden Times.

To the Editor:

I am trying to find and thank a few motorists that stopped at my single vehicle accident scene (Silverado truck rollover) at Deep Bay Rd. and Rackety Trail on Sunday, Nov. 28 afternoon.

The first two gentlemen at the scene that I would like to thank would be the guy with the red jacket that pulled some brush away from my face and used a blanket to help stop the bleeding from a nasty laceration I received, and talked me through the wait for paramedics and firemen to arrive. Another guy that stopped helped stabilize my vehicle from possibly rolling over on me by using ratchet straps and rope. He drove a truck with “Guru Renovations” on it. A big thank you to you guys!

Thanks should also be given to the Minden/Haliburton paramedics and Minden Hills Fire Department that wasted no time getting me out of the wreck. And I’d like to thank the staff at Minden emerg for the great care I received.

Jim Cius