/Dorset fitness centre proving popular

Dorset fitness centre proving popular

The following are brief reports of items discussed at the Algonquin Highlands regular meeting of council on April 18.

People were lined up at the fitness room of the Dorset Recreation Centre on opening day ready to try new equipment after renovations were finalized.

“Very happy to see that [project] come to completion and some happy users in there actually were lined up on Day 1 as soon as we said we were going to be opening the doors” said Chris Card parks recreation and trails department manager to council on April 18. “We’ve had individuals who have switched their memberships from other locations nearby to come there based on the equipment available.”

Card said the facility is getting much use and will be available seven days a week excluding some holidays beginning May 12. The fitness centre will be open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.

“I think there’s a longstanding misunderstanding that it’s somehow far away” said Mayor Carol Moffatt. “It’s not it’s just up the road.”

She noted that effort was made to fill the room with equipment that is also suitable for seniors who might have undergone knee surgery.

“The bottom line is just keeping people active” said Moffatt.

Fitness room fees are available on a daily 10-visit monthly three-month or annual basis. Daily visits are available at a cost of $2.39 for youth up to 14 $2.70 for youth 15 to 17 and seniors aged 55 and older and $5.40 for adults aged 18 to 54. Annual memberships cost $74.91 for youth up to 14 $81.11 for youth 15 to 17 and seniors aged 55 and older and $135.90 for adults aged 18 to 54. A family annual membership is available for $293.80.

“Anyone interested in chec king out the facility can drop by whenever it is open and get a free tour and information” Card told the Times.

Library transitions to community hub after August

The Haliburton County Library Board has recommended to the township that the Dorset branch of the public library stay open “at or near current service levels” until Aug. 31.

The library branch located within the Dorset Recreation Centre is currently open eight hours a week through the Haliburton County Public Library but council opted to transition it from a library to a community hub multi-use space due to low circulation figures. According to 2017 numbers Dorset and Cardiff library branches have the smallest circulation numbers in the county with Dorset circulating 1360 items and Cardiff circulating 961 items in 2017 up to August.

“The Haliburton County Library Board directs HCPL staff to work with the staff at the Township of Algonquin Highlands as they implement this plan to ensure a smooth transition” reads a resolution made April 10 by the Haliburton County Library board.

Chris Card parks recreation and trails department manager said an information pamphlet and signage informing patrons of changes would be circulated and posted.

Snowball button increase

The Dorset Recreation Committee has recommended an increase to the cost of the Dorset Snowball Winter Carnival admission button from $3 to $4 each beginning in 2020.

Airport hangar leak

Hanger G-5 at the Stanhope airport has numerous water leaks in the ceiling with one being very significant according to a report by Brian Nicholson interim airport coordinator.

“Investigation of the leaks will need to be done once snow and ice is gone from the roof top” reads the report. It also notes Nicholson received numerous complaints of frozen hangar doors and water or ice in hangars.