/Here are your candidates . . . 

Here are your candidates . . . 

By Chad Ingram

Published July 27 2018

The nomination period for municipalelections on Oct. 22 closed at 2 p.m. on Friday July 27 and final unofficial candidates lists are in.

In Minden Hills Mayor Brent Devolinwho appeared he would reclaim his position by acclamation now hastwo competitors. He will be challenged by Wayne Hancock and JarrettCampbell as head of council.

Longtime Ward 1 Councillor Lisa Schellhas been acclaimed deputy mayor of Minden Hills. Current Deputy MayorCheryl Murdoch did not seek re-election.

For Minden Hills' councillor-at-largeposition John Teljeur will take on incumbent Ron Nesbitt.

The race in Ward 1 has heated up inrecent days. The ward which has two seats at the council table andencompasses the former Anson Hindon and Minden township now has sixcandidates.

Clayton Cameron Jennifer HugheyRichard Bradley Dwight Thomas Bob Carter and Rob Luke will each viefor one of those two seats.

In Ward 2 the former Lutterworthtownship current Councillor Pam Sayne is being contested by MikeGrozelle.

While current Ward 3 Councillor JeanNeville had been filed to run in Ward 1 she has withdrawn to runagain in Ward 3 where her competitor will be Russ Duhaime.

In Algonquin Highlands Mayor CarolMoffatt will reclaim her position by acclamation. This is the thirdconsecutive term that Moffatt who also served a term as Ward 2councillor has been acclaimed to the role.

In Ward 1 Dorset and surrounding areaJuila Shortreed and David Lawson are candidates.

In Ward 2 the former Stanhopetownship which has two seats councillors Lisa Barry and LizDanielsen will be acclaimed to their roles each heading into theirthird term. Danielsen is currently the township's deputy mayor thatposition elected by councillors themselves following the generalelection.

In Ward 3 Oxtongue Lake and surroundingarea current Ward 1 Councillor Brian Lynch will run against JenniferDailloux.

Keep an eye on the Minden Times forongoing municipal election coverage.