By Chad Ingram
Algonquin Highlands’ recreation complexes – the Dorset RecreationCentre the Stanhope Firefighters Community Hall and the Oxtongue LakeCommunity Centre – will remain closed amid the ongoing COVID-19pandemic.
“Upon review and discussion of a comprehensive reopeningproposal regarding township recreational related facilities it has been determined that all recreation facilities will remain closed untilfurther notice” reads a release from the township. “The factorscontributing to this decision include staffing logistics resources and most importantly the safety of employees and the public in keepingwith public health recommendations.”
The Dorset tower will remainclosed for 2020 as will the museums in Dorset and Stanhope both ofwhich are having construction work performed on them.
In July thetownship reopened playground equipment at its parks noting theequipment will not be regularly disinfected and asking residents topractise appropriate hygiene as well as social distancing measures.