/Schools to remain closed until September

Schools to remain closed until September

Class materials will continue to be offered online or throughalternative formats for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year.

On May 19 Premier Doug Ford and Education Minister Stephen Lecceannounced that Ontario’s schools would remain closed due to thecoronavirus pandemic but indicated that stage two of the reopening plan would include child care and summer day camps.
The decision was made based on consultation with the chief medical officer of health and other medical experts.

The province plans to reopen schools for the 2020-2021 school year.
“Our plan will ensure students receive the best educational experience both inside and outside the classroom during this difficult time” Leccesaid. “That is why we are strengthening summer learning opportunitiesreopening summer day camps and it is why we will continue to make thecase for synchronous live and dynamic learning.”

– Staff