/War of 1812 to unfold at museum 

War of 1812 to unfold at museum 

By Chad Ingram

Published May 3 2018

The following are brief reports of items discussed during an April 26 meeting of Minden Hills council.

Soldiers will be cooking over campfires and firing off muskets at the Minden Hills Museum in June as the Military Re-Enactment Society of Canada comes to town to bring to life the piece of Canadian history that is the War of 1812.

On Friday June 15 and Saturday June 16 the society will set up at the museum located at the Minden Hills Cultural Centre when uniformed members will construct a demonstration militia camp and provide re-enactments of battle tactics. Those re-enactments are set to occur at 11 a.m. 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.

The event will cost the township $1000 and the money will come from the museum’s programming budget.

2017 surplus

The Township of Minden Hills ended 2017 with a surplus of about $48500 which represents 0.67 per cent of the year’s tax levy and which will transferred to the township’s capital project reserve. According to a report from treasurer and CAO Lorrie Blanchard a number of factors led to the surplus including but not limited to lower than budgeted wages and benefits as a result of un-required overtime as well as staff leaves and shortages; reduced vehicle costs due to lower fuel costs and less repair and maintenance expenditures; and higher-than-anticipated building permit fees.


The township is hosting an environmental challenge asking teams to generate ways hydro usage at the Lutterworth water treatment plant can be improved. The contest launched last week and teams can register until May 14 at 4 p.m. Site visits will take place May 15 and May 16 and submissions are due May 22.  Entry forms are available on the second floor of the Minden Hills township office or on the township’s website at www.mindenhills.ca. The winner of the eco-challenge will be announced during this year’s Canada Day celebration. The winning team will win a cash prize of $500 and the township has budgeted $2000 to complete the work in the winning entry.

Community Living

The township will hire clients of Community Living to run the re-use centre at the Scotch Line landfill from May through October three hours a day for three days a week. The program is designed to give participants some hands-on work experience while working toward completing their high school diplomas in partnership with the high school and school board’s adult education centre. The cost will be just more than $3000 which will pay the wages of participants transportation expenses etc.