The mannequins have spoken … or at least the mannequins have been examined and we have some winners to announce for this summer’s contest, Minden Mannequin Madness.
Up first in the Fun award for the mannequin who drew the biggest smile. Roxanne stood at the side of Highway 35 through rain, sleet and sunshine … okay, maybe not sleet, waving her checkered flag at the Minden Experience Fun Park. Backed by a sporty car, a grounded Spitfire and a marooned yacht, she waved her checkered flag at passersby with the only an arm attached to her body. According to the owners of the Minden Experience Fun Park, Roxanne, as they named the mannequin, attracted a great deal of attention and was a great conversation starter when people dropped by to inquire. Considering her dangerous pastime, it is good thing she is wearing a helmet.
The Minden Look award went to Suzie at Animal Cracker Pet Value Store in the Jug City Plaza. We are told by the store’s owner Susan Andresen that Suzie spent some time in pieces in the back room of the store frightening small children who looked in to see what the heck was going on. Fortunately, with the help of Susan, they are not related, Suzie was able to pull herself together and either stand next to the front counter or lingered in front of the store with her bottle of pilsner. Suzie chose an outfit of matching black boots, blue jeans snappy checked shirt and an apron. The entire ensemble was set off by a jaunty straw hat crowning her flowing raven locks. Since her face is missing, we were unable to ascertain if she was smiling or crying. Perhaps she is an avid hockey player and she is ready for the face-off … or perhaps she is a work in progress.
Our final grand prize winner goes to Mali, who graces the entrance to Suwan’s Thai Cuisine, seen here with owner Suwan Khamduang. Wearing a traditional Thai wrap she is ready for the celebration of New Years in Thailand or perhaps her own wedding. Mali might want to consider some facial interventions. Her skin has the rasp of rough hair. This could be the result of a transplant that gave her the head of a coconut. She should also do something with that moustache before heading out on the town. We wish her luck.
Each of the aforementioned mannequin creators will receive a cash prize of $100.
Honourable mentions include: The unnamed golfer standing in the pro shop at the Gull River Golf Club. He could probably improve his game if he had a head; at the Minden Equipment Rental you’ll find Lurch, dressed for some serious chain sawing, with all the requisite Stihl safety equipment; and finally an intrepid reporter/editor called Sue stands at the Times window, keeping an eye out for breaking stories. All of the honourable mentions, except Sue, will receive a gift certificate for a quarter page ad in the Times, courtesy of David Zilstra and the gang at the Times and Echo.
So thanks to everyone who participated in the Minden Mannequin Madness and for their creative designs. The mannequins will be on display until Labour Day if you care to drop by any of these businesses and have a look.
Submitted by Jack Brezina