/The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog

By Laurie Sweig

When I was in Grade 7 my mother insisted that I took typing as one of my classes. It was definitely not in my top three choices. Neither was Latin but I took that too. I am so grateful that I learned how to type (no comment on the Latin). Like riding a bicycle it’s a skill that you never forget. I’m not sure if typing is offered as a course anymore but if it is it should contain an arm/hand stretching and strengthening component.

There are a number of repetitive use injuries from typing. One of the most common injuries is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. It is caused by pressure on your median nerve. The median nerve goes through the wrist by passing through a narrow path the carpal tunnel. The carpal tunnel is made of bone and ligament. Any swelling in the wrist results in a squeezing of the tunnel and that pinches the median nerve. Symptoms including tingling numbness burning and pain.

There are ergonomic changes that can reduce the chances of you experiencing an injury from spending too much time at the computer. However the important point to consider is that spending too much time doing any one thing has the potential of causing some kind of overuse strain or injuries. Changing ergonomics can sometimes be like putting a Band-Aid on a broken arm. The best option is movement. Once again exercise to the rescue.

Here are some simple exercises to do at your desk when your hands aren’t on the keyboard (like when you’re on a call or thinking):

The following exercises are more for wrists and arms. They take a bit more concentration. They are best done on the floor (on your hands and knees) but they can be done while standing at your desk.

All of these movements will keep you in fine typing form … or get you there. Don’t fret if there is too much pain to start with. It will ease up. It will take a lot of time to undo all of the stiffness that has been established over the years of  doing what you’ve been doing. Thankfully it won’t take as long to undo the damage if you do the exercises every day.

Something to think about.

Laurie Sweig is a certified personal fitness trainer and spinning instructor. She owns and operates The Point for Fitness. She can be reached at laurie@thepointforfitness.com.